
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics (NET) aims at understanding and describing the dynamics of out-of-equilibrium systems, and their relaxation towards equilibrium. NET remains a vibrant field of research with substantial challenges that still await to be solved.

Since the first workshop in 1996, the International Workshop on Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics (IWNET) is devoted to in-depth discussions of all aspects of NET, with to the goal of bringing nonequilibrium thermodynamics to the same level of clarity and usefulness as equilibrium thermodynamics ≫www.nonequilibrium-thermodynamics.org.

Early IWNET workshops were successfully concentrating on unifying the variety of approaches to NET in a common generalized framework. Later, emphasis shifted somewhat to areas of application that require NET as a powerful tool, e.g., understanding and describing the possibly nonlinear, far-from-equilibrium dynamics of complex systems. The reports from the previous workshops are collected here:  IWNET-reports.

This 9th workshop will again highlight the most recent advances in the field, with some focus—through invited speakers—on
(a) Numerical methods for solving exemplary and substantial problems in NET and statistical mechanics, and
(b) NET, data science, and machine learning.

By the end of the workshop we hope that participants will have had the chance to further their views on the possibilities and present limitations of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, and leave with new challenges, new ideas, new collaborations, and old and new friends.

International Advisory Board

Gian Paolo Beretta Università di Brescia, Italy
Antony BerisUniversity of Delaware, U.S.A.
Miroslav Grmela École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Markus Hütter Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Vlasis Mavrantzas University of Patras, Greece
Hans Christian Öttinger ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Bob Svendsen RWTH Aachen University

Previous Workshops

year/locationorganized by

1st IWNET1996 in MontréalMiroslav Grmela
2nd IWNET2000 in OxfordHans Christian Öttinger
3rd IWNET2003 in PrincetonAntony N. Beris and
Brian J. Edwards
4th IWNET2006 on RhodesVlasis G. Mavrantzas
5th IWNET2009 in CuernavacaMariano López de Haro and
Federico Vásquez Hurtado
6th IWNET2012 in RørosDick Bedeaux and
Signe Kjelstrup
7th IWNET2015 in HilvarenbeekMarkus Hütter and
Ger Koper
8th IWNET2018 in Sint-MichielsgestelMarkus Hütter and
Leonard Sagis

We are happy to invite you to participate in the latest workshop in this series:

9th IWNET2022 in Victoria, BCHenning Struchtrup

This 9th workshop is organized as follows: After arrival in the afternoon/evening of Sunday (July 10), the scientific program starts on Monday morning (July 11) and ends on Friday (July 15). It will consist of a handful of invited lectures, participants' oral and poster presentations, as well as discussion.

Coffee breaks, lunches and dinner events at the workshop site—the University of Victoria—will provide ample opportunity for more informal discussions. The program is rounded off by an afternoon-excursion.